iGrafx has a long, rich history in Japan, and has been supporting its customers there for more than 20 years. Today, 800 publicly traded companies (out of 3,600) use iGrafx. Additionally, iGrafx has an overwhelming share in the financial institutions. At one point, almost 50% of the banks in Japan were iGrafx users. With some M&As, currently 61 of 143 banks in operation are iGrafx customers. We are well recognized in Japan for creating partnerships with the customers focused on excellence in compliance, governance and quality.
Traditionally, iGrafx’s expert level of diagramming and analysis capabilities have been accepted by many different areas of businesses/industries, from manufacturing to transactional and relational services. With its wholistic process management capabilities, iGrafx is accepted by the Japanese SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) community. iGrafx is the leading software for supporting the JSOX initiatives and activities not only domestically, but also including many of the group companies located worldwide.
iGrafx supports enterprises in achieving Compliance, Governance, and Operational Excellence. It is one of the most recognized solutions for creating and maintaining environment for the standard operational procedures (SOP) because it places “process” in the middle. iGrafx allows the businesses to visualize the processes, use process as the common language to allow different silos within the organization to see the business cross functionally. The SOP environment created by iGrafx can also be leveraged for risk management and management of internal control. The platform links all associated documents within and out of the iGrafx environment and provides a virtual SOP environment. With the virtual SOP, process owners, approved processes, associated legal, procedural, and reference documents can be kept up-to-date, and the organization with iGrafx can be ready for audit. The time spent to prepare for audit can be shortened and distributed to value added work time. One of the common comments iGrafx receives from the businesses that have implemented the iGrafx solution is, “the experienced resources can allocate time on key business steps rather than busy work such as tracking some data/information, preparing for audit, or re-work/correction on problems created by new resources.” We recently released a case study (you can download it here) that explains this type of implementation and partnership created between iGrafx and business users.
iGrafx is also making an impact in the business community working with HACCP (Food Safety System) requirements, and it is the leading solution for assisting businesses prepare for the certification.
Similarly, iGrafx supports businesses with ISO certification requirements, as well as quality management initiative and risk management requirements, in Japan.
In today’s business climate, talents in change management is one of the key differentiators. For the organization’s sustainability, for its existence as a business entity, for its customers, shareholders and community, becoming more agile in executing changes will allow stability and undisrupted business continuation. In order for the agile business transformation to occur naturally, businesses must have the processes documented, visualized, and all the aspects of business to be modeled in order to see the true impact of the changes. iGrafx is recognized as the expert guide for the business transformation journey. We work together with the businesses to create proper goals, timelines, and ways to ensure the path for the digital business transformation.
In Japan, due to the serious decline in the labor/employee population, the entire country is tasked with facing transformation of the work environment, structure, process, roles and responsibilities. It is essential to first completely understand, share and collaborate cross functionally even before the transformation strategy can be established. This will include the information outside of the company – external vendors, suppliers, customers, etc. Also, each employee needs to be able to contribute and eventually create a culture to collaborate among all functions within the company. iGrafx enables the business to embrace such an environment and encourages everyone to step up and make a difference.
Digital Business Transformation does not replace human interaction. Rather, it promotes human interaction and collaboration. Automation completes the story associated with Digital Business Transformation, but in order for Automation to work, significant and meaningful collaboration should take place in order to create the baseline for the transformation. iGrafx offers such an environment.
Essentially, iGrafx environment + human interaction = optimal base for the digital business transformation.
iGrafx, in Japan, believes that the digital business transformation is no longer an option. It is something every organization will need to consider implementing and iGrafx is there to provide leadership, guidance and support. We look forward to continuing building partnerships with the Japanese business community.
To learn more, download our latest case study to see how we helped on one of our Japanese customers improve risk management, operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.